Happy Birthday

Theresa Wilson- Dec. 10th
Faith Darnofall- Dec. 13th
Ashley Roling- Dec. 21st

April OSC Minutes

Thank you Marlene Valenzuela for hosting. The food and ambiance was great. As always you did a wonderful job.

Thank you to Heather Hoffacker for filling in and taking the minutes for us.

Welcome and Farewell
-Welcome to Pilar Burkland, Kathryn Bacon, and Jenny Castellani. We enjoyed talking to each of you last night and are looking forward to seeing you at future events!

President – Carmen
-Thank you to: Cynthia for helping with the invitations, Marlene for the picnic tables at the Easter Egg Hunt, Mellissa Herdemen for helping to sell T-shirts at the Easter Egg Hunt, Lori for all the work you did for Kathy’s Farewell, Monika Woods for the information on the banners and signs, Becca Taylor for organizing our T-shirt sales and for taking over webpage/Newsletter, and to Michele Mergen, my wing man, co-pilot. You all make this group a wonderful OSC with you dedication and contributions.

-“COW” Party Saturday, May 16th 5 – 7 at the Fleming Island Splash Pool. If you have not received you invitation, please contact Carmen at 771-6594.
- “COW” gifts can be dropped off Cynthia Huntington’s or Michele Mergen’s home.

Treasurer/Webpage - Becca Taylor
- Balance $ 1210.61
- T-shirt Profit $367.00
- Expenses: Farewell Dinner, flowers
- T-Shirts at Homecomings
- Dues are $40 for a year. Make check payable to: VP-5 OSC

-Welcome Tea Sunday May, 3rd from 2 – 4 at Lori Naylor’s home. EVERYONE Please RSVP to Lori at or 269-6104
- RSVP for the Welcome Home activities to or 269-6104

Ways and Means- Melissa Herdeman
-Fundraisers –T-shirts, coaster. Sloppy Joe, pizza sales once VP-5 returns.

Scrapbook- Mary Blaschke
-Take pictures please of all the upcoming events (Homecomings, Tea, and “COW" Party) and send to Mary at

Call Tree- Amanda McElhannon
- Please let me know if you need to update your contact information.
- Please send all evite information to me.

Social – MJ Ask/ Cynthia
- Join us at Mellow Mushroom Friday, May 1st 7:00 PM. Lets all get together to relax, Laugh, and have a good time. This will be out Change of Command celebration while our significant others celebrate in Japan and El Sal. Please RSVP to MJ Ask at
- Shopping date on Memorial Day weekend. More details to follow.

Little Foxes Playgroup - Nathalie Hawkins
*May Playgroup – Natalie will host at the (end of May)

Congratulations to Monika Woods for winning the raffle basket last night! Gator Pride! We look forward to the next raffle basket in May. Remember, tickets are only $1.00.

Next OSC Meeting is Saturday, May 23rd 7:00 at Lori Naylor’s Home