Happy Birthday

Theresa Wilson- Dec. 10th
Faith Darnofall- Dec. 13th
Ashley Roling- Dec. 21st

Navy Relief

Navy Marine Corps Relief Society Needs You!
In 2008 the Navy Marine Corps Relief Society had a 34% increase in clients it saw in the office. The Society staff and volunteers handled 77,754 cases in 2008 and disbursed $44.2 million in interest free loans and grants to Sailors, Marines and their families.
Society Volunteers learn how to help others find lasting solutions to their financial problems. Many Volunteers gain skills that make them more marketable for future employment. Flexible schedules allow you to make a world of difference by assisting military families. The training is free, and you are reimbursed for child care and gas!
To put this into my own words, I started volunteering the Navy Relief in 2001. In all honesty, I was looking for a way to help with preschool costs for my twins. I started volunteering in Reception, now called CSA (Client Services Assistant.) I enjoyed stepping out of my full time mommy role one day a week. It was good to be working with adults, as well as seeing the good works that were happening in this office while I was there volunteering. As my kids grew older, I found myself extending my volunteer hours and adding additional days. In time, I decided to train to become a Caseworker. The society taught me how to work with clients and trusted me with the donated dollars to loan out (interest free!) to sailors coming in with emergency problems. It’s very rewarding to write a check to a service member in need and see the look of relief spread across his or her face. Eight years later, I’m still enjoying my time with Navy Relief. Each base has an office and I’ve enjoyed having a skill to utilize no matter where we are stationed. I’ve made great friends along the way and even caught up with them in different offices over the years.
Navy Relief has been around for over 105 years. There is no way we would make it without our volunteers, they are the backbone of the society. If you would like to know more about volunteering, please consider attending our Awards Ceremony on April 21st at 10:30 am. Chris Scorby (also a weekly volunteer) will be hosting the event at her home on the base. If you have an interest, please let me know and we’ll send you an invitation. Or if you would just like to ask questions about volunteering or how the reimbursement of childcare works out (we do not use donated dollar for this, by the way) please feel free to ask anytime.
Thanks for taking your time to read through this note.
Your fellow OSC member,
Monika Woods